Satī alias Dākṣāyaṇī

Series on Shiva the Supreme!

Śaunakādika: Dear Sūta Mahāṛṣi, please tell us some symbolic stories related with lord Shiva as the ‘blissful holiness’ as well as ‘Rudra’ the ‘fierce fighter cum destroyer’.

Sūta: After a certain amount of experience of generation and evolution of Universe, the divine creator lord Brahmā realized that his activities (of creativity) will become easier and helped, if he will get lord Shiva married and activated in action, instead of his staying inactively engrossed in deep Samādhi state. He therefore performed penance and pleased goddess Mahākālī and prayed her to take an incarnation as the daughter of his son ‘Dakṣa’ (meaning careful ‘attentiveness’) and marry lord Shiva. The consequent incarnation of ‘Mahākālī’ was named as ‘Satī’ meaning ‘divinely good, sober (Sātvika) and ideally truthful, virtuous, genuine in nature’. She was also called as ‘Dākṣāyaṇī’ meaning daughter of Prajāpatī Dakṣa representing ‘careful concentration and watchful attentivity’.

‘Satī’ right from her childhood was ‘Virakta’ meaning detached from worldly attractions and associations, displayed by common children. Instead of playing with other children, she enjoyed performing worship of lord Shiva every day, right from her early childhood. As she grew young, she performed very hard penance and pleased lord Shiva and got his permission to marry her.  Soon later, as desired and planned by lord Brahmadeva, Satī’s marriage with lord Shiva was performed by her father Dakṣa. The divine marriage of the princess with lord Shiva was carried out on a royal scale. It was attended by all Kings, sages, gods and goddesses.

However, as a consequence of the establishment of his ‘father-in-law’ type parental relationship with lord Shiva, Dakṣa started feeling too proud (durahankāra) about himself. Due to the relationship of parental status, he imagined himself to have become an authority of higher order than the status of his son-in-law lord Shiva. Sometime later, during a Yāga being conducted at ‘Prayāga’ meaning a special sacred place for performing ‘Yāga’ type rituals (which is now a days more popularly known as ‘Allahābāda/ Prayāgraj’), Dakṣa happened to arrive a lot later than most of the sages and gods. On his arrival, all sages and gods who had already arrived, gave him a standing ovation and welcome.

lord Shiva however, did not bother to stand up in his honour. Dakṣa full of proud about himself noticed it and felt insulted by his son-in-Law lord Shiva. Dakṣa felt highly disappointed and angry about lord Shiva not giving him the parental respect he deserved to get, as a result of being his ‘father-in-Law’. Once, ‘Satī’ noticed that, lord Shiva was highly appreciating and respectfully saluting lord Viṣṇu’s incarnation as lord Rāma, while he was loudly lamenting about and searching for his wife ‘Sītā’, (who had got abducted by the demon ‘Rāvaṇa’). Goddess Satī however did not appreciate this action by Lord Rāma, like an ignorant common man. When questioned by Satī, lord Shiva explained that lord Rāma was a ‘sarvadnya’ meaning ‘all knowledgeable’ incarnation of lord Viṣṇu. However, he was only acting like an ignorant human being, only to suit the role currently being played by him. Goddess Satī however was not satisfied with this answer and decided to test lord Rāma. Therefore, she took the form of ‘Sītā’ and stood in front of lord Rāma wandering in the forest shouting “ ‘Sītā’, ‘Sītā’, ‘Sītā’ where have you disappeared ?”. However, instantly recognizing her reality, lord Rāma touched goddess Satī’s feet and respectfully saluting her, questioned her about the well beings of residents of Kailāśa and lord Shiva. 

Goddess Satī realizing her mistake, appeared in her ‘Satī’ format and blessed lord Rāmachandra for his win during the war with demon Rāvaṇa and returned back to Kailāśa. However, lord Shiva condemned her adamant action of a) conducting an examination of lord Rāma and b) taking the form of ‘Sītā’. Lord Shiva mentally divorced her as a punishment for this foolishness. Goddess Kālī incarnated as Satī therefore decided to leave her body and end her Satī incarnation at the earliest good enough opportunity.

Soon later, Prajāpati Dakṣa started a ‘Yāga’ which was being attended by all sages and gods. Due to his anger and mental distance with lord Shiva, he consciously decided not to invite lord Shiva to attend this program. However, knowing about this great event from sage Nārada, Satī decided to attend the function. Lord Shiva opined that he himself will not attend the function without proper invitation from the performer, and advised ‘Satī’ not to go to her father’s residence, when he had purposefully not sent any invitation. ‘Satī’ was however searching for an excuse to end her incarnation. Therefore, she went to attend the ‘Yāga’ program, and at an excuse of

  a) not being welcomed properly and

  b) consciously being ignored by her father,

she jumped in the ‘Yajña-Kunḍa’ fire and left her body at an excuse of it’s burning in the ‘Yajña-Fire’.

Śaunakādika: My God! What happened after goddess ‘Satī’ ended her incarnation in this terribly violent fashion?

Sūta:  On listening the horrible bad news, lord Shiva got into a mood of terrible shock and anger and became lord Rudra. He angrily pulled out a lock of hair from his head and generated a ferocious fighting power known as lord Vīrabhadra, out of that lock of hairs and ordered him to stop and destroy the unholy ‘Yāga’ program being conducted by Prajāpati Dakṣa.  When lord Vīrabhadra arrived with a huge ferocious ‘Shiva gaṇa’ army, all sages and gods ran away in all directions. Vīrabhadra cut off the head of Dakṣa and burned it off in the ‘Homa-Kunḍa’. Later, when all gods including lord Brahmadeva, lord Viṣṇu, lord Indra, their spouses along with all other gods and sages, visited Kailāśa and sang praises and prayers to calm down the anger of Lord Shiva, he left his ‘Rudra’ format and became the divinely calm and blessing ‘Shiva’. He then resurrected ‘Dakṣa’ by placing the head of a lamb over his humanly body and got the abandoned ‘Yāga’ reignited and completed successfully in a proper fashion.

However, lord Shiva also became the ‘crying, weeping’ lord Rudra by lifting and placing the dead body of his wife ‘Satī’ over his shoulders, started moving all around the Indian subcontinent (in the mood of a dramatically crying ‘Rudra’). All gods and sages felt embarrassed over this action of lord Shiva. To restore normalcy, lord Viṣṇu thoughtfully started to cut off the organs of the dead body of ‘Satī’, one by one, and wherever every piece of that body fell down on the Earth, a highly spiritually powerful ‘Śakti-pīṭha’ was generated and highly revered (108) temples of such goddesses are being worshipped all over Indian subcontinent. 52 of these Śakti-pīṭha temples have become more famous than the rest of them. The ‘Kāmākhyā’ temple in Kāmarūpa alias Āsāma state and ‘Ambābaaee’ temple in the Karavīrakṣhetra at Kolhaapur in Mahārāshtra state are typical examples of these Śakti-pīṭha temples. When the entire body of Satī disappeared as a result of such ‘cutting off’ carried out by lord Viṣṇu, lord Shiva realised that there is nothing left on his shoulders. He then went back with deep sorrowful heart, to his abode Kailāśa and got engrossed in his favourite deep samādhi state.

(to be continued….)